# uMap project container [uMap](https://github.com/umap-project/umap) lets you create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site. * Python3.8 slim based image * uMap 1.2.3 # Supported tags and respective `Dockerfile` links - [`1.2.3`](https://git.nethuis.nl/pommi/docker-umap/src/branch/master/Dockerfile) # Usage ## Environment variables | Key | Format | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | DATABASE_URL | `postgis://postgres@postgis/postgres` | Postgis endpoint | | REDIS_URL | `redis://redis:6379/0` | Redis endpoint | | SECRET_KEY | | Used by Django to secure signed data | | ALLOWED_HOSTS | `*` | The host/domain names that this Django site can serve | | SITE_URL | `https://umap.example.tld/` | Where this Django site is located | | LEAFLET_STORAGE_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS | `True` | Allow non authenticated people to create maps | ## docker-compose ``` version: '3' services: postgis: image: postgis/postgis:12-3.3 environment: - POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust volumes: - postgis:/var/lib/postgresql/data redis: image: redis:latest umap: image: pommib/umap:1.2.3 ports: - "8000:80" environment: - DATABASE_URL=postgis://postgres@postgis/postgres - REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 - SECRET_KEY=some-long-and-weirdly-unrandom-secret-key - ALLOWED_HOSTS=* - SITE_URL=https://umap.example.tld/ - LEAFLET_STORAGE_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=True depends_on: - postgis - redis volumes: postgis: uploads: ```