# python-itho-wpu A python library and a set of command line tools to communicate with an Itho WPU. [![Itho WPU Grafana Demo](assets/itho-wpu-grafana-demo.gif)](#grafana-dashboard) # Hardware installation See the [pislave](https://github.com/ootjersb/pislave#wiring) project # Software installation 1. Install [Raspberry Pi OS Lite](https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/) 1. Enable [SSH](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/) and [I2C](https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup/configuring-i2c) using `raspi-config` 1. Install and configure the required software ``` apt-get install \ git \ # To clone this repository pigpiod \ # Pigpio daemon to communicate over the I2C bus python3-pigpio \ # Python module to talk to the pigpio daemon python3-pyodbc \ # Python module to access an ODBC database odbcinst1debian2 \ # Library for accessing ODBC config files (odbc-mdbtools dependency) sqlite3 \ # To store a subset of the Itho database in SQLite direnv \ # Environment variable manager to store credentials for InfluxDB python3-influxdb # To export measurements to InfluxDB # Set the sample rate value of pigpiod to 10 microseconds to decrease CPU usage sed -i -e 's/ExecStart=.*/ExecStart=\/usr\/bin\/pigpiod -l -s 10/' /lib/systemd/system/pigpiod.service # Enable pigpiod service systemctl enable pigpiod ``` Install version 0.9.3-1 of odbc-mdbtools ``` SOURCE=http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20210503T151244Z ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture) VERSION=0.9.3-1 curl -OL ${SOURCE}/pool/main/m/mdbtools/odbc-mdbtools_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.deb curl -OL ${SOURCE}/pool/main/m/mdbtools/libmdb3_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.deb curl -OL ${SOURCE}/pool/main/m/mdbtools/libmdbsql3_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.deb dpkg -i libmdb3_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.deb libmdbsql3_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.deb odbc-mdbtools_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.deb ``` *When executing `convert-itho-db.py` with mdbtools version ...* * *0.7.1-6 (Debian Buster) it fails with: `ValueError: the query contains a null character`* * *0.9.1-1 (Debian Bullseye) it fails with: `Segmentation fault`* 1. Reboot the Raspberry Pi ``` reboot ``` 1. Install python-itho-wpu ``` git clone https://github.com/pommi/python-itho-wpu.git cd python-itho-wpu ``` 1. Extract `$_parameters_HeatPump.par` from the Itho Service Tool. This is a Microsoft Access database containing details about all WPU versions. * Download it directly: ``` curl -o HeatPump.par "https://servicetool.blob.core.windows.net/release/Parameters/\$_parameters_HeatPump.par" ``` * Or download the [Itho Service Tool](https://www.ithodaalderop.nl/nl-NL/professional/servicetool) and execute `AzureBootloader.exe` to retrieve the full Itho Service Tool application. `$_parameters_HeatPump.par` is located in the `Parameters` directory. Save it as HeatPump.par in the python-itho-wpu folder. 1. Convert the Microsoft Access database to an SQLite datbase. The SQLite database is used by python-itho-wpu. ``` ./convert-itho-db.py --itho-db HeatPump.par ``` # Example usage of python-itho-wpu * Get the NodeID of the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --action getnodeid ManufacturerGroup: 1, Manufacturer: HCCP, HardwareType: WPU, ProductVersion: 25, ListVersion: 11 ``` * Get the Serial number of the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --action getserial Serial: 408 ``` * Get the Datalog of the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --action getdatalog Buitentemp (°C): 8.0 Boilertemp Onder (°C): 24.23 Boilertemp Boven (°C): 51.68 Verdamper Temp (°C): 19.84 Zuiggas Temp (°C): 21.7 Persgas Temp (°C): 30.22 Vloeistof Temp (°C): 18.67 Temp Naar Bron (°C): 21.09 Temp Uit Bron (°C): 19.75 ... ``` * Retrieve a single setting from the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --action getsetting --id 1 1. Hardware Configuratie: 70 (min: 0, max: 65535, step: 1) ``` * Retrieve all settings from the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --action getsettings 0. Niet Gebruikt: 0 (min: 0, max: 65535, step: 1) 1. Hardware Configuratie: 70 (min: 0, max: 65535, step: 1) 2. Jaar Inbedrijfstelling: 2010 (min: 2004, max: 2099, step: 1) 3. Datum Van Inbedrijfstelling: 101 (min: 0, max: 3112, step: 1) 4. Max Handbedieningstijd (min): 0 (min: 0, max: 600, step: 1) 5. Vorsttemp (°C): 2.0 (min: -10.0, max: 10.0, step: 0.1) 6. Offset Voor Vorst Temp (K): 2.0 (min: 0.0, max: 10.0, step: 0.1) 7. Differentie Van Vorst Om Elektrisch Element Te Starten (K): 1.5 (min: 0.0, max: 10.0, step: 0.1) 8. Fout Reset Tijd (min): 120 (min: 1, max: 1440, step: 1) 9. Loginterval Tijd (sec): 5 (min: 1, max: 300, step: 1) ... ``` * Change a setting of the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --action setsetting --id 139 --value 48 Current setting: 139. Blokkade Tijd Van Verwarmen Naar Koelen (uur): 24 (min: 0, max: 168, step: 1) Setting `139` will be changed to `48`? [y/N] y Updating setting 139 to `48` Are you really sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES 139. Blokkade Tijd Van Verwarmen Naar Koelen (uur): 48 (min: 0, max: 168, step: 1) ``` * Retrieve a manual operation setting from the WPU ``` # ./itho-wpu.py --loglevel info --action getmanual --id 0 0. Buitentemp (°C): 10.0 ``` # Exporting measurements ## InfluxDB Assuming InfluxDB is running on the Raspberry Pi as well. 1. Configure a `.envrc` file ``` cat > .envrc < /etc/cron.d/itho <> /var/log/itho.log EOT ``` ## Grafana Dashboard The measurements collected in InfluxDB can be displayed using a Grafana dashboard. Download: [direct link](assets/grafana-influxdb-dashboard.json), [grafana.com](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/14143)