#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import i2c_raw import logging import pigpio import queue import sys import time import os import datetime from collections import namedtuple consolelogformatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s: %(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger('stdout') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) stdout_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stdout_log_handler.setFormatter(consolelogformatter) logger.addHandler(stdout_log_handler) def export_to_influxdb(action, measurements): from influxdb import InfluxDBClient influx_client = InfluxDBClient( host=os.getenv('INFLUXDB_HOST', 'localhost'), port=os.getenv('INFLUXDB_PORT', 8086), username=os.getenv('INFLUXDB_USERNAME', 'root'), password=os.getenv('INFLUXDB_PASSWORD', 'root'), database=os.getenv('INFLUXDB_DATABASE') ) json_body = [ { "measurement": action, "time": datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(), "fields": measurements, } ] try: influx_client.write_points(json_body) except Exception as e: print('Failed to write to influxdb: ', e) actions = { "getnodeid": [0x90, 0xE0], "getserial": [0x90, 0xE1], "getdatatype": [0xA4, 0x00], "getdatalog": [0xA4, 0x01], } def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Itho WPU i2c master') parser.add_argument('--action', nargs='?', required=True, choices=actions.keys(), help="Execute an action") parser.add_argument('--loglevel', nargs='?', choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], help="Loglevel") parser.add_argument('--master-only', action='store_true', help="Only run I2C master") parser.add_argument('--slave-only', action='store_true', help="Only run I2C slave") parser.add_argument('--slave-timeout', nargs='?', type=int, default=60, help="Slave timeout in seconds when --slave-only") parser.add_argument('--export-to-influxdb', action='store_true', help="Export results to InfluxDB") args = parser.parse_args() return args class I2CSlave(): def __init__(self, address, queue): self.address = address self.queue = queue self.pi = pigpio.pi() if not self.pi.connected: logger.error("not pi.connected") return def set_callback(self): logger.debug("set_callback()") self.event_callback = self.pi.event_callback(pigpio.EVENT_BSC, self.callback) self.pi.bsc_i2c(self.address) def callback(self, id, tick): logger.debug(f"callback({id}, {tick})") s, b, d = self.pi.bsc_i2c(self.address) result = None if b: logger.debug(f"Received {b} bytes! Status {s}") result = [hex(c) for c in d] logger.debug(f"Callback Response: {result}") if self.is_checksum_valid(result) and self.is_length_valid(result): self.queue.put(result) else: logger.debug(f"Received number of bytes was {b}") def is_checksum_valid(self, b): s = 0x80 for i in b[:-1]: s += int(i, 0) checksum = 256 - (s % 256) if checksum == 256: checksum = 0 if checksum != int(b[-1], 0): logger.debug(f"Checksum invalid (0x{checksum:02x} != {b[-1]})") return False return True def is_length_valid(self, b): length_in_msg = int(b[4], 0) actual_length = len(b) - 6 if length_in_msg != actual_length: logger.debug(f"Length invalid ({length_in_msg} != {actual_length})") return False return True def close(self): self.event_callback.cancel() self.pi.bsc_i2c(0) self.pi.stop() class I2CMaster: def __init__(self, address, bus, queue): self.i = i2c_raw.I2CRaw(address=address, bus=bus) self.queue = queue def compose_request(self, action): # 0x80 = source, 0x04 = msg_type, 0x00 = length request = [0x80] + actions[action] + [0x04, 0x00] request.append(self.calculate_checksum(request)) return request def calculate_checksum(self, request): s = 0x82 for i in request: s += i checksum = 256 - (s % 256) if checksum == 256: checksum = 0 return checksum def execute_action(self, action): request = self.compose_request(action) result = None for i in range(0, 20): logger.debug(f"Executing action: {action}") self.i.write_i2c_block_data(request) time.sleep(0.21) logger.debug("Queue size: {}".format(self.queue.qsize())) if self.queue.qsize() > 0: result = self.queue.get() break if result is None: logger.error(f"No valid result in 20 requests") return result def close(self): self.i.close() def is_messageclass_valid(action, response): if int(response[1], 0) != actions[action][0] and int(response[2], 0) != actions[action][1]: logger.error(f"Response MessageClass != {actions[action][0]} {actions[action][1]} " f"({action}), but {response[1]} {response[2]}") return False return True def process_response(action, response, args): if int(response[3], 0) != 0x01: logger.error(f"Response MessageType != 0x01 (response), but {response[3]}") return if not is_messageclass_valid(action, response): return if action == "getdatalog": measurements = process_datalog(response) if args.export_to_influxdb: export_to_influxdb(action, measurements) elif action == "getnodeid": process_nodeid(response) elif action == "getserial": process_serial(response) def process_nodeid(response): hardware_info = { 0: { "name": "HCCP", "type": { 13: "WPU", 15: "Autotemp", } } } manufacturergroup = ((int(response[5], 0) << 8) + int(response[6], 0)) manufacturer = hardware_info[int(response[7], 0)]["name"] hardwaretype = hardware_info[int(response[7], 0)]["type"][int(response[8], 0)] productversion = int(response[9], 0) listversion = int(response[10], 0) logger.info(f"ManufacturerGroup: {manufacturergroup}, Manufacturer: {manufacturer}, " f"HardwareType: {hardwaretype}, ProductVersion: {productversion}, " f"ListVersion: {listversion}") def process_serial(response): serial = (int(response[5], 0) << 16) + (int(response[6], 0) << 8) + int(response[7], 0) logger.info(f"Serial: {serial}") def process_datalog(response): # 0 = Byte # 1 = UnsignedInt # 2 = SignedIntDec2 Field = namedtuple('Field', 'index type label description') datalog = [ Field(0, 0x92, "t_out", "Buitentemperatuur"), Field(2, 0x92, "t_boiltop", "Boiler laag"), Field(4, 0x92, "t_boildwn", "Boiler hoog"), Field(6, 0x92, "t_evap", "Verdamper temperatuur"), Field(8, 0x92, "t_suct", "Zuiggas temperatuur"), Field(10, 0x92, "t_disc", "Persgas temperatuur"), Field(12, 0x92, "t_cond", "Vloeistof temperatuur"), Field(14, 0x92, "t_source_r", "Naar bron"), Field(16, 0x92, "t_source_s", "Van bron"), Field(18, 0x92, "t_ch_supp", "CV aanvoer"), Field(20, 0x92, "t_ch_ret", "CV retour"), Field(22, 0x92, "p_sens", "Druksensor (Bar)"), Field(24, 0x92, "i_tr1", "Stroom trafo 1 (A)"), Field(26, 0x92, "i_tr2", "Stroom trafo 2 (A)"), Field(34, 0x10, "in_flow", "Flow sensor bron (l/h)"), Field(37, 0x0, "out_ch", "Snelheid cv pomp (%)"), Field(38, 0x0, "out_src", "Snelheid bron pomp (%)"), Field(39, 0x0, "out_dhw", "Snelheid boiler pomp (%)"), Field(44, 0xc, "out_c1", "Compressor aan/uit"), Field(45, 0xc, "out_ele", "Elektrisch element aan/uit"), Field(46, 0xc, "out_trickle", "Trickle heating aan/uit"), Field(47, 0xc, "out_fault", "Fout aanwezig (0=J, 1=N)"), Field(48, 0xc, "out_fc", "Vrijkoelen actief (0=uit, 1=aan)"), Field(51, 0x92, "ot_room", "Kamertemperatuur"), Field(55, 0x0, "ot_mod", "Warmtevraag (%)"), Field(56, 0x0, "state", "State (0=init,1=uit,2=CV,3=boiler,4=vrijkoel,5=ontluchten)"), Field(57, 0x0, "sub_state", "Substatus (255=geen)"), Field(67, 0x0, "fault_reported", "Fout gevonden (foutcode)"), Field(92, 0x10, "tr_fc", "Vrijkoelen interval (sec)"), ] message = response[5:] measurements = {} for d in datalog: if d.type == 0x0 or d.type == 0x12 or d.type == 0xc: m = message[d.index:d.index+1] num = int(m[0], 0) elif d.type == 0x10: m = message[d.index:d.index+2] num = ((int(m[0], 0) << 8) + int(m[1], 0)) elif d.type == 0x92: m = message[d.index:d.index+2] num = ((int(m[0], 0) << 8) + int(m[1], 0)) if num >= 32768: num -= 65536 num = round(num / 100, 2) logger.info(f"{d.description}: {num}") measurements[d.label] = num return measurements if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() if args.loglevel: logger.setLevel(args.loglevel.upper()) q = queue.Queue() if not args.master_only: slave = I2CSlave(address=0x40, queue=q) slave.set_callback() if args.slave_only: time.sleep(args.slave_timeout) if not args.slave_only: master = I2CMaster(address=0x41, bus=1, queue=q) if args.action: result = master.execute_action(args.action) logger.debug(f"Response: {result}") master.close() if result is not None: process_response(args.action, result, args) if not args.master_only: slave.close()