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docs(readme): installation and execution instructions

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Pim van den Berg 2021-03-14 14:55:24 +01:00
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@ -1,3 +1,130 @@
# python-itho-wpu
A python library and a set of command line tools to communicate with an Itho WPU.
# Hardware installation
See the [pislave](https://github.com/ootjersb/pislave#wiring) project
# Software installation
1. Install [Raspberry Pi OS Lite](https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/)
1. Enable [SSH](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/) and [I2C](https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup/configuring-i2c) using `raspi-config`
1. Install and configure the required software
apt-get install \
git \ # To clone this repository
pigpiod \ # Pigpio daemon to communicate over the I2C bus
python3-pigpio \ # Python module to talk to the pigpio daemon
python3-pyodbc \ # Python module to access an ODBC database
sqlite3 \ # To store a subset of the Itho database in SQLite
direnv \ # Environment variable manager to store credentials for InfluxDB
python3-influxdb # To export measurements to InfluxDB
# Set the sample rate value of pigpiod to 10 microseconds to decrease CPU usage
sed -i -e 's/ExecStart=.*/ExecStart=\/usr\/bin\/pigpiod -l -s 10/' /lib/systemd/system/pigpiod.service
# Enable pigpiod service
systemctl enable pigpiod
Install version 0.9.0-1 of odbc-mdbtools
ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
curl -OL http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20201218T033640Z/pool/main/m/mdbtools/odbc-mdbtools_0.9.0-1_${ARCH}.deb
curl -OL http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20201218T033640Z/pool/main/m/mdbtools/libmdb3_0.9.0-1_${ARCH}.deb
curl -OL http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20201218T033640Z/pool/main/m/mdbtools/libmdbsql3_0.9.0-1_${ARCH}.deb
dpkg -i libmdb3_0.9.0-1_${ARCH}.deb libmdbsql3_0.9.0-1_${ARCH}.deb odbc-mdbtools_0.9.0-1_${ARCH}.deb
*When executing `convert-itho-db.py` with mdbtools version ...*
* *0.7.1-6 (Debian Buster) it fails with: `ValueError: the query contains a null character`*
* *0.9.1-1 (Debian Bullseye) it fails with: `Segmentation fault`*
1. Reboot the Raspberry Pi
1. Install python-itho-wpu
git clone https://github.com/pommi/python-itho-wpu.git
cd python-itho-wpu
1. Extract `$_parameters_HeatPump.par` from the Itho Service Tool. This is a Microsoft Access database containing details about all WPU versions.
* Download it directly:
curl -OL "https://servicetool.blob.core.windows.net/release/Parameters/\$_parameters_HeatPump.par"
* Or download the [Itho Service Tool](https://www.ithodaalderop.nl/nl-NL/professional/servicetool) and execute `AzureBootloader.exe` to retrieve the full Itho Service Tool application. `$_parameters_HeatPump.par` is located in the `Parameters` directory.
1. Convert the Microsoft Access database to an SQLite datbase. The SQLite database is used by python-itho-wpu.
./convert-itho-db.py --itho-db \$_parameters_HeatPump.par
# Example usage of python-itho-wpu
* Get the NodeID of the WPU
# ./itho-wpu.py --action getnodeid
ManufacturerGroup: 1, Manufacturer: HCCP, HardwareType: WPU, ProductVersion: 25, ListVersion: 11
* Get the Serial number of the WPU
# ./itho-wpu.py --action getserial
Serial: 408
* Get the Datalog of the WPU
# ./itho-wpu.py --action getdatalog
Buitentemp (°C): 8.0
Boilertemp Onder (°C): 24.23
Boilertemp Boven (°C): 51.68
Verdamper Temp (°C): 19.84
Zuiggas Temp (°C): 21.7
Persgas Temp (°C): 30.22
Vloeistof Temp (°C): 18.67
Temp Naar Bron (°C): 21.09
Temp Uit Bron (°C): 19.75
# Exporting measurements
## InfluxDB
Assuming InfluxDB is running on the Raspberry Pi as well.
1. Configure a `.envrc` file
cat > .envrc <<EOT
export INFLUXDB_PASSWORD=password
1. Allow direnv to load environment variables from the .envrc file
direnv allow
1. Execute `itho-wpu.pu` and export to InfluxDB
./itho-wpu.py --action getdatalog --export-to-influxdb
1. Alternatively run this in a 5 minute cronjob (the console output is written to `/var/log/itho.log`)
cat > /etc/cron.d/itho <<EOT
*/5 * * * * root cd /root/python-itho-wpu && direnv exec . ./itho-wpu.py --action getdatalog --export-to-influxdb >> /var/log/itho.log